
Bunions are technically the bony bumps that form at the level of the joint at the base of your big toe. Bunions are very common, and usually occur when some of the bones in the front part of your foot move out of place. This will cause the tip of your big toes to then get pulled toward the rest of the toes and force the joint at the base of the big toe itself to then stick out. This painful bump can be treated effectively and efficiently by a professional podiatrist. 

Bunion Treatment in Baltimore, MD

There are some straightforward ways you can deal with your bunions without needing surgery. Protecting the bunion itself by wearing moleskin and gel-filled pads can be a great way to alleviate discomfort. Additionally, some professionals may recommend wearing a splint at night to hold the toe straight or using shoe inserts to help your foot position and therefore slow the development of bunions. If none of the less invasive options work, you can also contact a professional – like those at Greenspring Podiatry – to help determine the cause and issue at hand with your bunion. Greenspring Podiatry offers bunion treatment and removal services in the Baltimore, Towson, and Lutherville, Maryland areas.

What To Look Out For

Are you curious about whether you may have a bunion? There are some key signs to watch out for that will help inform you whether you are dealing with a bunion or something else. Bunions are bony outgrowths on the inside of your foot at the level of your big toe joint. They are more common in adults but can also occur in children. Bunions are traditionally painful and can make bending your big toe virtually impossible. Additionally, it might become difficult wearing shoes, or you may experience numbness in your big toe. If you are having any of these symptoms, contact us today to find out how we can help resolve your bunion issues.

Contact Us Today with All Your Podiatry Needs

No matter your situation, Greenspring Podiatry is here to help solve your and your family’s foot and ankle issues in a comfortable and welcoming setting. The doctors possess decades of experience diagnosing and treating a variety of foot and ankle-related conditions, from bunions and heel pain to sprained ankles and hammertoes. Foot and ankle pain, injuries, and other problems are inconvenient and irritating, often causing patients to have difficulty walking. Here at Greenspring Podiatry, we understand how critical the feet and ankles are to the body, movement, and participation in daily life.