Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are a very common condition for people of all ages. In fact, ingrown toenails will occur when the corner or side of your toenail grows into the skin. Ingrown toenails can be painful and cause redness. Most people experience ingrown toenails with their big toes more so than their other toes. People can sometimes handle ingrown toenails on their own. However, there are times when the ingrown toenail can be quite severe. In those instances, contacting a professional podiatrist might be your best option to alleviate any pain, redness, swelling, or infection in your toe.

Symptoms Of Ingrown Toenails

There are some key telltale signs of ingrown toenails. Paying attention to these key symptoms can allow you to get help more quickly. Most people with ingrown toenails will experience pain or tenderness in the toe itself. Sometimes, that pain can either be on one or even both sides of the nail itself. Others may find that when they have an ingrown toenail, there might be an infection of the tissue all around the toenail itself. If you are experiencing any of these potential symptoms, contact us at Greenspring Podiatry today.

Preventing Ingrown Toenails from Ever Happening

There are some key ways you can prevent ingrown toenails from ever happening. In fact, trimming your toenails straight across is a great first step towards avoiding ingrown toenails. Additionally, checking your feet regularly and wearing shoes that fit properly and have a soft upper can help alleviate the potential for ingrown toenails.

When To Contact a Professional

Sometimes, your ingrown toenails can become quite severe and may require surgery to remove them. If your ingrown toenail is left untreated or undetected for too long, you will need to contact a professional podiatrist to help.

Contact Us Today with All Your Podiatry Needs

No matter your situation, Greenspring Podiatry is here to help solve your and your family’s foot and ankle issues in a comfortable and welcoming setting. The doctors possess decades of experience diagnosing and treating a variety of foot and ankle-related conditions, from bunions and heel pain to sprained ankles and hammertoes. Foot and ankle pain, injuries and other problems are inconvenient and irritating, often causing patients to have difficulty walking. Here at Greenspring Podiatry, we understand how critical the feet and ankles are to the body, movement, and participation in daily life.